Monday, 30 June 2014

Introducing CCC


We are Casual Concepts Communications, a Sole Proprietorship dedicated to work related to craftspersonship, music, art, performance, education, research and everything in between.

We are trying to NOT go on the more common mediums of social media just to see how long we can rely on the simple blogspot. Frankly we just love blogs and we hope people would refer to them as much as they would refer to their personal social media accounts (that are not exactly public sometimes) for information.

This is also a sort of tribute to old enterprises that were never part of the social media age and instead relied on reputation and solid old-school work ethics to get things done. 

We are on Twitter though at

So what do we do at CCC?

CCC is run by an individual whose main work revolves around theater performances, school info-educational tours and events. He is almost always aided by reliable friends, contacts and acquaintances from related fields and disciplines.

We put on shows centering on independent music, or processes that would support indie music. We are also open to grants and funding if they make sense and do not disrespect the process of the work that we do.

We also do theater; performances and workshops as well as performance lectures. Enquire for our in-house character emcees (Yusof Tony, Boy Romzi and more)

We also conduct lectures. Do enquire on the SITUATIONAL IMPROVISATION Programme and DOING IT YOURSELF : Appropriating Body Language.

We've got experience in the school show performance circle and we're looking at curating and developing programmes to tour primary, secondary and tertiary schools to shift mindsets on the reality and the feasibility of the arts in our culture and how it can influence our daily lives.

We are interested in doing work that has a focus on the promotion, revision and interrogation of heritage, culture and locality.

And we can put together quite a mean street team.

If you need extras for your film shoot, manpower for your performances, stage crew, stage managers, production managers, prop makers and so on and so forth, let us know!

Below are flyers of recent shows curated by CCC.

Looking forward to better days ahead!


We're here!

We are finally on blogspot!

So yay!